20 dňový pochod Francúzskymi Alpami, z Pralognan-u do Menton-u. To je trail, ktorý podnikol Olivier Chirouze. Veľký rešpekt pred týmto výkonom. Na servery EveryTrail.com je možné pozrieť si celú jeho trasu a nádhernú, naozaj nádhernú fotodokumentáciu. Now the trail story is available on http://www.entrelacets.fr/index.php/les-articles/gta (only in French). Please see Slovak translation on this page.
Hi Thailon!
I was looking at Everytrail comments and ended up here.
For your info I created a new website and migrated the old one to it (choucrouteland no longer exists)
Everything is now in http://www.entrelacets.fr/index.php/les-articles/gta and since then we added… well, about a hundred more articles that wait for their trips in everytrail :-)
Hello Olivier. Thank You for the update. My page is actual from now :) I’m looking for Your trips on EveryTrail.
Bye !