Filmy a seriály

Heroes (2006 …) Děj se točí hlavně okolo několika běžných lidí, kteří na sobě začínají zjišťovat, že mají super schopnosti. Jako v každém správném seriálu jsou zdě hrdinové dobří a zlí. Hlavní zápletkou je hrozící nebezpečí zničení New Yorku atomovým výbuchem, kterému musí Hrdinové zabránit. [zdroj] (Producent: Tim Kring), homepage
The 4400 (2004 …) Od 40. let 20. století až po nedávnou minulost jsou záhadně unášeni lidé. Spoustu lidí. 4400 lidí. Jednoho dne se pod záštitou padajícího meteoritu všech 4400 lidí vrátí zpět na Zem. Do současnosti. Nikdo z nich však nezestárl ani o den a nikdo z nich si na nic nevzpomíná. Jakoby ty roky přeskočily. Všech 4400 unesených je ale obdarováno záhadnými vlastnostmi. Někdo umí léčit dotekem ruky, někdo má neuvěřitelnou sílu, jedna málá unesená má dokonce schopnost vidět do budoucnosti a předvídat co se stane. Jak se se všemi těmito věcmi dokáží vyrovnat? Budou se schopni zařadit zpět do normálního života? A kdo jsou vlastně únosci? [zdroj] (Created by: Scott Peters a Rene Echevarria. Written by: ?.), homepage
Cirque du Soleil Cirque du Soleil began with a very simple dream. A group of young entertainers got together to amuse audiences, see the world, and have fun doing it. Every year, the audiences get bigger, we continue to discover new places and ideas and we’re still having fun. Today we still dream of enriching the lives of all those who cross our path through our actions and our creativity. We also dream of imbuing our new projects with the energy and inspiration that are the essence of our shows. And we want to help young people express their dreams … and make them come true. [homepage]
Invasion (2005 …) In the aftermath of a hurricane, a Florida Park Ranger and his family deal with strange occurrences, including luminescent creatures in the water and people that somehow seem to have changed after surviving the night of the disaster out in the open. (Created by: Shaun Cassidy. Written by: ?.)
Lost (2004 …) After a somewhat mysterious sequence of events, an oceanic flight from Sydney to LA crashes on what appears to be a deserted island. The chance of being found and rescued is fairly small, so the survivors have to cope with a set of challenges. They have to learn to survive on the island, a mysterious place with enough dangers on its own. Also, they have to learn to live with each other if any success is to be expected. And finally, they have to live with themselves and their pasts. Interwoven with the events on the islands are flashbacks to the pasts of 14 main characters. Step by step, we learn a little more about their diverse and unexpected pasts as the group’s quest to survive takes shape. Summary written by RagingR2 (Created by: Jeffrey Lieber, J.J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof. Written by: ?.)
Battlestar Galactica (2003,2004) The second war against the Cylons is over and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to The Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space; their infiltrator units carry out a more subtle plot even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought. If that wasn’t enough, the fleet also faces internal political conflict of which the rabble rousing figure, Tom Zarek, is merely the loudest dissenting voice. In the midst of these trials however, clues begin to appear that suggest that Adama’s simple bluff about Earth may be more truthful than anyone knowing could have guessed. Summary written by Kenneth Chisholm ( (Directed by: Michael Rymer. Written by: ?.)
Prison Break (2005…) Lincoln Burrows is on death row for the murder of the vice president’s brother. He insists he’s innocent and only his brother Michael Scofield believes him. As an engineer who helped design the prison where Lincoln is being held, Michael takes drastic measures to help his brother. He gets himself arrested and sent to the same prison so that with his knowledge of the building the two of them can escape together. However, while inside, Michael discovers a massive conspiracy that is determined to see Lincoln’s sentence carried out. Breaking out will be more difficult than he thought, but he’s still going to try. Summary written by rmlohner (Created by: Paul Scheuring. Written by: ?.)
Dark City – Smrtihlav (1998) Z drvivej väčšiny tmavý ponurý film, ktorý sa snaží ťažiť z odkazu noir, ale nielen z neho. Dark City je experimentom mimozemskej rasy, ktorá je na pokraji vyhynutia. Snaží sa porozumieť a splynúť s ľuďmi, ale chýba jej základný kľúč – rozlúštenie individuality jednotlivcov a ich duší. Noc čo noc sú ľuďom rozoberané spomienky a minulosť aby boli nanovo poskladané a mohli sa podrobiť ďalšiemu a ďalšiemu výskumu. Neúmyselne sa pokusom vzprieči John Murdoch, ktorý po množstve rozobratí a poskladaní svojho mozgu nevysvetliteľne získa možnosti mimozemskej rasy – rozoberať a skladať. Spočiatku je brzdený obvinením zo škaredých vrážd šiestich prostitútok. Snaží sa dostať z mesta, ale zisťuje, že je to nemožné. Nikto si nepamätá cestu, vlak, ktorý na koniec miesta mieri, nikde nezastavuje. Temným svetom sprevádza postava psychiatra Schrebera, ktorý je vďaka svojmu povolaniu s mimozemskou rasou zadobre. Mesto je uvrhnuté do akéhosi bezčasu. I keď je možné vystriehnuť atmosféru amerického veľkomesta medzivojnovvých rokov. Aj keď film balansuje na ski-fi pomedzí, nešermuje šialenými okulahodiacimi trikmi, radšej sa venuje výstavbe zahustenej detektívnej atmosféry. [original text] (Directed by: Alex Proyas. Written by: Alex Proyas.)
The Truman Show (1998) Truman Burbank is a normal man, living in a normal town. He grew up to be a desk clerk for a insurance company, living an ordinary life, having an ordinary wife, an ordinary neighbour and an ordinary bud, who pops in from time to time with a sixpack. But Truman is not happy with his life. He wants to see the world. He wants to get away from his happy-happy, ever tidy, nice’n’shiny little island town at the seaside. In reality, Truman was an unwanted pregnancy. His “father”, Christof, a reckless TV-Producer whom he never met, made up the Truman Show – the greatest show on earth – a show in which life is live. So, everyone around poor Truman is an actor with a little headphone in the ear. One day, Truman accidentally bumps into a catering area backstage and gets pretty suspicious. His plan now is: Pretend to be sleeping and steal away… Summary written by Julian Reischl {} (Directed by: Peter Weir. Written by: Andrew Niccol.)
eXistenZ (1999) Allegra Geller, the leading game designer in the world, is testing her new virtual reality game, eXistenZ with a focus group. As they begin, she is attacked by a fanatic assassin employing a bizarre organic gun. She flees with a young marketing trainee, Ted Pikul, who is suddenly assigned as her bodyguard. Unfortunately, her pod, an organic gaming device that contains the only copy of the eXistenZ game program, is damaged. To inspect it, she talks Ted into accepting a gameport in his own body so he can play the game with her. The events leading up to this, and the resulting game lead the pair on a strange adventure where reality and their actions are impossible to determine from either their own or the game’s perspective. Summary written by Kenneth Chisholm {} (Directed by: David Cronenberg. Written by: David Cronenberg.)
Enemy at the Gates (2001) 17. júla 1942 sa začala jedna z najväčších bitiek II. svetovej vojny. Bojovalo sa o priemyselné mesto na Volge, vtedajší Stalingrad a velenie oboch armád – sovietskej i nemeckej – si bolo vedomé, že práve tu sa rozhodne o konečnom víťazstve. Príbeh, inšpirovaný rovnomennou knihou amerického historika Williama Craiga, opisuje v dramatickom rámci krvavého vojnového stretu súboj ruského ostreľovača Vasilija Zajceva s nemeckým rozviedčíkom majorom Konigom. Ten dostal za úlohu zlikvidovať vojaka z Uralu, ktorý má pre sovietsku vojnovú propagandu nesmiernu cenu. Jeho nadriadený Danilov z neho doslova “stvoril” žiarivý prototyp skromného, prostého a pritom neohrozeného hrdinu, schopného bez zaváhania položiť za vlasť život. Netuší, že si tým tiež postavil do cesty soka v láske. Nemecká strana verí a dúfa, že smrť Vasilija by aspoň na čas ochromila bojaschopnosť červenoarmejcov pri Stalingrade … (Directed by: Jean-Jacques Annaud. Written by: Jean-Jacques Annaud, Alain Godard.)
Merlin (1998) The legend of King Arthur, this time, from the perspective of the King’s Wizard, Merlin. Merlin is a creature born of pagan magic, living in a world converting to Christianity. Merlin is beside Arthur as he gains Excalibur, builds Camelot and is betrayed by his wife, Guinevere. Merlin and Arthur are both menaced by the plots of Morgan Le Fey, her son by Arthur, Mordred, and their cohorts. Through it all, Merlin tries to keep Arthur from the destructive path set by fate. Summary written by Michael “Rabbit” Hutchison {} (Directed by: Steve Barron. Written by: Edward Khmara, David Stevens.)
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000) In the year 3000, man is no match for the Psychlos, a manipulative race of aliens on a quest for global domination. Led by the seductive and powerful Terl (Travolta), the Psychlos have taken all natural resources for themselves and left mankind behind to rot. It is after humanity has given up the fight against this alien race that a young man named Tyler (Pepper) decides to leave his desolate home high in the Rocky Mountains and take a final, courageous stand. (Directed by: Roger Christian. Written by: L. Ron Hubbard, Corey Mandell.)
JFK (1991) A mixture of fact and speculation surrounding the death of U.S. President John F. Kennedy on 22nd November, 1963. New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, re-opens the files on the investigation and takes a critical look at the facts given by the F.B.I. His persistent questioning and poking his nose where it shouldn’t be causes his and his family’s lives to be at risk. But he keeps on the trail and soon uncovers a lead which points to the the war in Vietnam. Summary written by Graeme Roy {} (Directed by: Oliver Stone. Written by: Jim Marrs, Jim Garrison.)
Waterworld (1995) The world is flooded. Civilisation is lost under the sea. The Mariner sails his trimoran over the seas, drinking his own Urine and visits a floating atoll of “Drifters”. When they find the Mariner to be a mutant they sentence him to death. Meanwhile, a girl with supposedly a map to get to dry land tattoo-ed on her back, is the objective for an attack by a gang of smokers who attack the atoll. (Directed by: Kevin Reynolds, Kevin Costner. Written by: Peter Rader, David Twohy).
L.A. Confidential (1997) 1950’s Los Angeles is the seedy backdrop for this intricate noir-ish tale of police corruption and Hollywood sleaze. Three very different cops are all after the truth, each in their own style: Ed Exley, the golden boy of the police force, willing to do almost anything to get ahead, except sell out; Bud White, ready to break the rules to seek justice, but barely able to keep his raging violence under control; and Jack Vincennes, always looking for celebrity and a quick buck until his conscience drives him to join Exley and White down the one-way path to find the truth behind the dark world of L.A. crime. (Directed by: Curtis Hanson. Written by: James Ellroy, Brian Helgeland).
The Negotiator (1978) Samuel L. Jackson is Danny Roman, a hot shot police negotiator and the man of the hour in the police department. One day he wakes up to find that he has been set up, and now the police are after him. In his panic, he takes control of a building. Knowing all the rules of negotiation, Danny asks for the only negotiator he can trust – Chris Sabian (Kevin Spacey). When the police get itchy trigger fingers and want to go into the building shooting, Sabian finds that the only way he can save Danny Roman’s life is to go in there and become his partner. Now the police have to deal with both of them. (Directed by: F. Gary Gray. Written by: James DeMonaco, Kevin Fox).
The Game (1977) Nicholas Van Orton is a very wealthy San Francisco banker, but he is an absolute loner, even spending his birthday alone. In the year of his 48th birthday (the age his father committed suicide) his brother Conrad, who has gone long ago and surrendered to addictions of all kinds, suddenly returns and gives Nicholas a card giving him entry to unusual entertainment provided by something called Consumer Recreation Services (CRS). Giving up to curiosity, Nicholas visits CRS and all kinds of weird and bad things start to happen to him. (Directed by: David Fincher. Written by: John D. Brancato, Michael Ferris).
The Others (2001) Ostrov v Jersey, rok 1945. Druhá svetová vojna skončila, ale Gracin manžel sa nevrátil z frontu. Žije sama v odľahlom viktoriánskom sídle, len so svojimi deťmi, ktoré vychováva v duchu hrozivých príkazov a zákazov, vychádzajúcich z jej striktného náboženstva. Jej syn a dcéra okrem toho trpia aj zvláštnou chorobou: nemôžu byť vystavení priamemu dennému svetlu. Traja noví sluhovia sa tak musia naučiť prvé nevyhnutné pravidlo – v dome treba udržovať neustále pološero, žiadne dvere sa nesmú otvoriť, kým nie sú zatvorené predošlé. Ale prísny poriadok Gracinho domu zrazu niečo naruší a ona, jej deti a všetci okolo nich budú musieť urobiť rozhodujúci a osudový krok. (Directed by: Alejandro Amenábar. Written by: Alejandro Amenábar).
Braveheart (1995) Z mladého horala Williama Wallacea sa počas krátkej doby stáva nebezpečný vzbúrenec, bojujúci proti tyranii anglického kráľa, ktorý okrem iného zaviedol v Škótsku aj právo prvej noci pre anglických šľachticov. William tak spustil dlhý a ťažký boj Škótov za slobodu a nezávislosť. (Directed by: Mel Gibson. Written by: Randall Wallace). (
Interrupted Girl (1999) Susanna is rushed to the hospital. Afterwards she discusses this with a psychiatrist. She had been having some delusions. She had also been having an affair with the husband of her parents’ friend. The doctor suggests that combining a bottle of aspirin and a bottle of vodka was a suicide attempt. This she denies. He recommends a short period of rest at Claymoore. Claymoore is a private mental hospital full of noisy, crazy people. Georgina is a pathological liar. Polly has been badly scarred by fire. Daisy won’t eat in the presence of other people. Lisa is a sociopath, the biggest exasperation for the staff – like Nurse Valerie – and the biggest influence on the other girls in the hospital. Lisa has a history of escapes, so gaining access to personal medical files is not a problem… Susanna’s boyfriend Toby is concerned that she seems too comfortable living with her institutionalized friends… Summary written by David Woodfield (Germany / USA. 1999. 127 minutes. English. Directed by: James Mangold. Written by: Susanna Kaysen, James Mangold.
The Bone Collector (1999) After an accident in a tunnel, a forensics expert (Denzel Washington) is left as a quadriplegic who is able only to move his head and one finger. Setting his finger to a computer, he is able to manipulate his environment with the help of a loving nurse (Queen Latifah). Even so, fearing seizures that could leave him a vegetable, he plans his “transition” with the help of a hesitational doctor friend. That all changes when he is confronted with clues from a serial killer that obviously are pointed to forensics investigation. The case clearly re-invokes his interest in life. A sharp, young cop’s quick thinking saves the first crime scene. Recognizing her talent for forensics, he brings her (Angelina Jolie) unwillingly into forensics detection. Through radio contact, she becomes his eyes and legs on the scene. Michael Rooker also appears as the police captain, who has bungled earlier killings by the serial killer and is more interested in the press than in good police work. Ed O’Neill and Luis Guzman are support staff who aid Washington and run interference with Rooker. Summary written by John Sacksteder {} (USA. 1999. 118 minutes. English. Directed by: Phillip Noyce. Written by: Jeffery Deaver (book) and Jeremy Iacone (screenplay).
DUNE (2000) In the 11th millennium SHADDAM IV., ruler of the Galactic Empire, rids himself of his competitor Prince LETO by giving him control of the desert planet Dune also called Arrakis; fully aware that its present owner, Baron HARKONNEN, will not give it up without a fight. The reason is that Arrakis is the source of the valuable spice, a substance produced by enormous and dangerous sand worms, which bestows special mental qualities on anyone who consumes it. A short while later Harkonnen does indeed succeed in ambushing and massacring Leto and his men. Leto’s mistress JESSICA, who is a member of the clairvoyant order of Bene Gesserit, manages to escape into the desert with her son PAUL, and after a long and dangerous march they finally encounter the Fremen, the long suppressed desert tribe of Arrakis. Impressed by Paul’s clairvoyant abilities, tribal prince STILGAR takes in the fugitives. Very soon the Fremen are convinced that Paul is their long-prophesied redeemer, and Stilgar prepares him for his great task. While Paul is being instructed in the secrets of desert life he falls in love with young CHANI, who bears him a son. During the next few years the Fremen, led by Paul, wage a guerilla war of attrition against Harkonnen, who suffers heavy losses. Most important of all, they sabotage the planet’s spice production: this brings Shaddam IV. onto the scene, who senses that the basis of his power is being threatened. The rebels on Arrakis want to finish off the imperial forces once and for all, but after a terrible battle which costs him almost all his men, Shaddam is finally forced to concede defeat…(USA / Canada / Germany / Italy / Czech Republic. 265 minutes. Directed by: John Harrison. Written by: John Harrison)
THE UNTOUCHABLES (1987) AL CAPONE. He ruled Chicago with absolute power. No one could touch him. No one could stop him. – Until Eliot Ness and a small force of men swore they’d bring him down. (USA. 1987. 119 minutes. English. Directed by: Brian De Palma. Written by: Oscar Fraley, Eliot Ness)
PREDATOR (1987) [wav-ka z filmu] A team of commandos, on a mission in a South American jungle, find themselves hunted by an extra-terrestrial warrior. Sent to eliminate a gun running camp in Central America, United States Major Dutch Schaeffer (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and his commandos get more than they bargained for when they cross paths with a mysterious assassin. As members of their unit begin to disappear, Dutch, Dillon (Carl Weathers), Blain (Jesse Ventura) conclude that whatever is hunting them is not of this earth. Every attempt at a tactical defense is a defeated for Dutch and company and it is only in the end stretch of their race to safety that their suspicions are confirmed and they encounter the alien nimrod face to face. (USA. 1987. 107 minutes. English. Directed by: John McTiernan. Written by: Jim Thomas)
“Alien vs. Predator” (2004) Uctievané monštrá z dvoch najstrašidelnejších filmov spolu bojujú vo filme „Alien vs. Predator“. Odhalenie starobylej pyramídy, pochovanej pod ľadovým povrchom Antarktídy, priláka na tento zmrznutý kontinent tím vedcov a cestovateľov. Tam ich čaká ešte hroznejšie prekvapenie: dva bojujúce mimozemské druhy. Bez ohľadu na to, kto vyhrá, my prehrávame… (Czech Republic / Canada / Germany / USA MPAA: Rated PG-13 for violence, language, horror images, slime and gore. Brandywine Production Davis Entertainment Inside Track 2LL Lonlink-stillking-Kut-Babelsberg Paul W.S. Anderson Film. Réžia : Paul W.S. Anderson. Scenár : Dan O’Bannon, Ronald Shusett) (
THE 13th WARRIOR (1999) Mladý Ahmed Ibn Fahldal užíva vďaka svojmu prominentnému postaveniu v spoločnosti- dokiaľ sa nezapletie do politicky nebezpečného priateľstva s mladým krásnym dievčaťom. Ako arabský vyslanec preto odcháza do vzdialenej zeme. Stretáva sa so skupinou bojovníkov, ktorí sú na dobyvačnej výprave do severnej zeme Wendol. Je ohromený vikingskými zvykmi, ich barbarskou sexualitou, ignorovaním hygieny a chladnokrvnými ľudskými obeťami bohom… (USA. 1999. 201 minutes. English / Norwegian / Latin / Greek . Directed by: John McTiernan. Written by: Michael Crichton, William Wisher Jr.) (
“Resident Evil: Apocalypse” (2004) Alice bola jednou z dvoch osôb, čo vyviazli z katastrofy, ktorá premenila podzemné laboratóriá obrovskej biochemickej korporácie Umbrella Corporation na smrtiacu pascu. Tou druhou bol Matt Addison – muž, ktorý chcel pôvodne odhaliť nekalé machinácie mocnej firmy. Spolu s Alicou unikol z tajného centra Umbrelly zamorenej hladnými zombie a bleskurýchlymi mutantmi. Sám sa však stihol nakaziť nebezpečným T-vírusom a vedci z Umbrelly sa ho rozhodli zneužiť na ďalšie experimenty. eraz sa Alice opäť ocitá na prahu nočnej mory. Zničené Racoon City sa kvôli T-vírusu zmenilo na mesto oživených mŕtvych. Bývalí zamestnanci mladú ženu aj tentoraz donútia bojovať a zabíjať, v snahe zachrániť si vlastný život. Jej hlavným protivníkom je monštrum Nemesis. A nie je to nikto iný jako premenený Matt… Boj na život a na smrť v meste mŕtvych – to je nová úloha skúsenej a novými schopnosťami obdarenej Alice, odvážnej Jill Valentine a jej spoločníkov – Carlose Olivery, Nicholaie a L.J. (Germany / France / UK / USA MPAA: Rated R for non-stop violence, language and some nudity. Constantin Film Davis Films Impact Films Screen Gems. Réžia : Alexander Witt. Scenár : Paul W.S. Anderson) (
“Resident Evil” (2002) Vojenská špecialistka Alice vedie elitné komando do obrovského podzemného zariadenia na genetický výskum, v ktorom sa vymkol spod kontroly smrtiaci vírus, schopný zahubiť celé ľudstvo. Stihol už prakticky zabiť všetkých vedcov, ktorých však premenil na ľudožravé nemŕtvoly. Alice a jej tím majú iba tri hodiny na to, aby udržali vírus vo vnútri podzemného komplexu, pretože hrozné kreatúry by ovládli celú planétu. Situácia sa však ešte zhorší po tom, ako si záchranný tím uvedomí, že po temných chodbách sa neplížia iba nemŕtvi ľudia, ale aj oveľa horší nepriateľ … (UK / Germany / France / USA MPAA: Rated R for strong sci-fi/horror violence, language and sexuality/nudity. Constantin Film. Réžia : Paul W.S. Anderson. Scenár : Paul W.S. Anderson) (

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