Januar 2015 – activity summary

17.01.2015 Running, mesto 4.33km, 0:31’00.2. Beh s mojou zienkou. (http://www.movescount.com/moves/move50335044)

19.01.2015 Running, mesto 7.07km 0:45’56.5, Volnejsie po meste. Konecne ! (http://www.movescount.com/moves/move50562688)

21.01.2015 Running, mesto 10.52km, 1:10’53.5, Volny beh, snazil som sa drzat na hranici tepu 149. (http://www.movescount.com/moves/move50739926)

23.01.2015 Running, Bankov 5km 0:22’12.5 volnejsie po Bankove. http://www.movescount.com/moves/move50902493

23.01.2015 Running, Bankov 3.61km 0:22’12.5, vyklus na Bankove. http://www.movescount.com/moves/move52259522

Moves 5, Average HR 146BPM, Calories 2476kcal, Vibes excellent, Duration 03:12, Distance 30.53km (Running 30.53km)


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