Welcome to Paris by 26 Gigapixels panorama

“Paris 26 Gigapixels is the name of the biggest assembled panoramic image of the world. It shows Paris in a very high definition. A gigapixel is 1 billion pixels! The image is a stitching of more than 2000 individual photos. Paris 26 Gigapixels has been shot on September 8th, 2009 and is now available for eveyone at http://www.paris-26-gigapixels.com.

Paris 26 Gigapixels is a stitching of 2346 single photos showing a very high-resolution panoramic view of the French capital (354159×75570 px). Dive into the image and visit Paris like never before!

Just imagine what can be done with 26 billion pixels… On the website http://www.paris-26-gigapixels.com, everyone can visit Paris and see on a single image all famous monuments of the French capital. The Eiffel tower, the Louvre, Beaubourg, Notre Dame de Paris, and many more. Thanks to very deep zooming capabilities, the smallest details of Paris monuments are at anyone’s reach. What’s more, Paris 26 Gigapixels can be printed on a 6500 sq.ft support whilst keeping an excellent quality !” [source Paris 26 Gigapixels project blog]

project home page : http://www.paris-26-gigapixels.com/

Paris 26 Gigapixles
Paris 26 Gigapixles

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